Monday, September 12, 2011

Week 1-Idea

For my entrepreneurial project, I have decided to make a device that when you are listening to the radio, if the song is appealing to you, you can enter a CD or SD card into the car or radio, and with the click of a button, automatically transfer the song to that device. I think this is a good idea because it can some times be annoying if you don't know the name of the song you're listening too but you really like it so you don't even bother trying to find out. With this device you can transfer the song right to a computer where you can find the title of the song.

In professor Rubin's lectures, we have been talking about social media and the impact it has had on society. For my idea, I would use both Facebook and Twitter to market my product. Twitter gets 1.6 billion searches a day so if I use a popular hashtag, such as #XMRadio, I could possibly get some retweets on my product, and get some good feedback, as well as some criticism about what I could do better for the product.

For Facebook, I could create a page for my product advertising it. I could tag the page in my status' and hope that it would soon build and get a lot of "likes". I these two website are my best bet at getting my product out to the world and hopefully make it grow into something big.


  1. This is a pretty interesting idea. A friend of mine has this xm radio device that enables her to start recording a song directly to the device if it is playing on xm radio. She can't directly download the song in its entirety, which would be a cool feature, but i think that a lot of regulations would be against this type of downloading and i don't think there is the infrastructure to support that kind of data transfer. With that being said, the ability to record as it is plaid live would be cool through FM radio.

  2. I think that this is a good concept. I myself have had many situations where I was listening to the radio and a song came on that I liked and I had no idea what is was and by the time I got home to search it I forgot what the lyrics were. So having a technology where I can put an sd card into my car radio and press a button when I like a certain song and it transfers it, would be incredibly handy.
    I actually have heard of software on phones that listens to a song and tells you what song it is, but if your driving doing all of that can be distracting so being able to directly connect to the radio would be easier.
