Monday, September 26, 2011

Week 3- Hardware

This week in class, Professor Rubin talked about hardware and computer forensics. While I was not able to really integrate any computer forensics into my project, I found ways to incorporate hardware. I took information from both Professor Rubin and from the textbook this week for hardware.

While this chapter focuses primarily on computers or the "system unit", I found some things  that could possibly be of use for the car. First off, I would need a memory card that I could stick into a port on an automobile, and then when the customer is finished recording the songs he/she wants from the car, he could simply eject the card from the car and put it into the computer. Depending on what is more popular in cars, a USB flash drive might be an even easier option because mostly all laptops have USB ports.These flash drives would just have to hold a sufficient amount of memory from all the music that will be getting put into them.

More on the computer side, customers may want to have computers with a pretty powerful hard drive. The more memory on the computer the better because if this idea hits off like it should, transferring music from USB to computer will go very quickly and before you know it, you will have a lot of songs on your computer. Having a good memory will keep your computer fast even with all of these files on it.

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