Monday, October 3, 2011

Week 4- Input/Output

This week was a short week in terms of lectures. Professor Rubin spent his one lecture talking about both input and output. Input and output devices are apart of our every day life and my device requires a big output device in order for it to be successful; the radio.

In order for my device to be able to function, it needs to be able to hear the song playing and that happens from the speakers, which is an output device. The SD card that I enter into the slot would be considered an input device because the car would be reading the data and instructions for the SD card. Also once the songs are transferred from the radio onto the SD card, the user would need to plug the SD card into a slot onto his/her computer which would be another example of an input device.

In terms of output devices, the songs going from the radio onto the SD card would be considered that because the card is taking the song from the radio and recording it onto the card. Clearly we can see that input and output devices are a part of everyday use even when tackling a difficult project like this.

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