Sunday, October 9, 2011

Week 5- Bits & Bytes/ Storage

This week was only one lecture from Professor Rubin and that was about Bits and Bytes. The reading for this week was on chapter 7 which had to do with storage. Storage is a main part in my device because after the music gets transferred from the car to the device it needs to be stored.

Professor Rubin spoke about both wav files and mp3 and how to figure out the correct number of bytes in both files. We learned that wav files have a lot more bytes than do mp3 files because they are uncompressed, while mp3 are compressed. After class I asked Professor Rubin about songs being transmitted through the radio, and if they were wav or mp3 files and he told me mp3. This is good in terms of storage because now the customer can store a lot more songs on their memory device because there are less bytes.

Chapter 7 in the textbook spoke a lot about storage and different type of storage devices. It touched on the SD card, which is what I will use as the device that the music will be transferred on to. SD cards can hold up to 8 GB, which like an 8 GB ipod can hold about 2000 songs at a time which I think is more than enough space.

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