Monday, October 17, 2011

Week 6- Professional Blogger Review

For my professional blogger review, I will be reviewing a blog on a site called is a community oriented news site where you can find latest tech news from the websites highly dedicated journalist team and the people who are geeks. On their home page they are broken into several sections such as; tech news, gadgets, start-ups, and tutorials. You can see the latest news and happenings in each of these different sections which is great.

I clicked on the section "tech news" when searching for a post. Since I am a PC guy, the article "Does Windows 8 have a Business Future?" interested me because I really like Windows 7 so looking more at Windows 8 appealed to me. The article talked about how successful Windows 7 has been for business managers and IT managers so the big question is do they upgrade to Windows 8 immediately or not. 

One thing that may attract or un attract business owners is the all new interface Windows 8 is introducing. It has changed from the familiar desktop everyone is used to, to a system called Metro. Metro is very involved in touch screen devices, so it is hard to tell if this new system will really help or harm business owners because many work on the traditional PC or desktop computer. The growth in tablet purchases and other touch screen devices will play a pivotal role in whether Windows 8 will be successful  or not.

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