Monday, October 31, 2011

Week 8- Final Blog Post

After blogging for the last several weeks, the entrepreneurial project is now coming to a close. Over these weeks, my idea has transformed and the final product would be a USB drive that contains a sound recorder device inside it. When the USB drive is plugged into an automobile, by simply the click of a button the customer could take a song from the radio while it is being played, and have it automatically record to that device. This could be helpful if the listener really liked the song but didn't know what the song was. Later the customer could plug the USB into his/her computer and enjoy the  song and find the title and the artist of the song. Based on what Professor Rubin told me, songs from the radio are MP3 files so it would be simple once uploading these songs onto a computer, to upload them right to iTunes.

Throughout this whole process my idea has somewhat taken a different course of action. At first I thought that maybe an SD card would work as this device. Although it could, I figured it would be a lot easier for users to use a USB drive because that is more common on their computer and becoming more popular in new car technologies. I also said that the songs being transferred could be taken from XM radio, but soon found out that it would not be a good idea because there would be to many rules and regulations against this idea.

Overall, my experience with the project has been somewhat interesting. I am not very creative so coming up with an idea to make into a reality was quite hard for me. Once I got the ball rolling, the project became a lot more interesting, and I would be really interested to learn more about how to truly make the idea turn into a reality. With that being said, the project was also an interesting way to learn more about technology, and stay up to date with what was going on in class and to even further the knowledge taken from class.

Christopher Peters

Jacob Higgins

Jake Magida

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Week 7- Networking

This past week, professor Rubin took 2 classes to discuss the topic of networking. This topic doesn't really integrate well with my topic of a device that takes music from a car and records it directly. However, if this device were to hit it off, I would want to make a website for it, and then networking would be key.

In order for me to make myself a website, I would need to obtain an IP address because this address basically makes the website. An IP address is a set of four bytes between 0-255. The first two sets of number is the networks address, the third number is the sub-net, which is then followed by the last number which is the actual host.

The next step would be obtaining a domain name. A domain name is simply just an alias for an IP address. I would have to go through ICANN, which is responsible for managing and coordinating the domain name system. The domain name I would receive would be an unrestricted domain name under ".com".

Monday, October 17, 2011

Week 6- Professional Blogger Review

For my professional blogger review, I will be reviewing a blog on a site called is a community oriented news site where you can find latest tech news from the websites highly dedicated journalist team and the people who are geeks. On their home page they are broken into several sections such as; tech news, gadgets, start-ups, and tutorials. You can see the latest news and happenings in each of these different sections which is great.

I clicked on the section "tech news" when searching for a post. Since I am a PC guy, the article "Does Windows 8 have a Business Future?" interested me because I really like Windows 7 so looking more at Windows 8 appealed to me. The article talked about how successful Windows 7 has been for business managers and IT managers so the big question is do they upgrade to Windows 8 immediately or not. 

One thing that may attract or un attract business owners is the all new interface Windows 8 is introducing. It has changed from the familiar desktop everyone is used to, to a system called Metro. Metro is very involved in touch screen devices, so it is hard to tell if this new system will really help or harm business owners because many work on the traditional PC or desktop computer. The growth in tablet purchases and other touch screen devices will play a pivotal role in whether Windows 8 will be successful  or not.

Sunday, October 9, 2011

Week 5- Bits & Bytes/ Storage

This week was only one lecture from Professor Rubin and that was about Bits and Bytes. The reading for this week was on chapter 7 which had to do with storage. Storage is a main part in my device because after the music gets transferred from the car to the device it needs to be stored.

Professor Rubin spoke about both wav files and mp3 and how to figure out the correct number of bytes in both files. We learned that wav files have a lot more bytes than do mp3 files because they are uncompressed, while mp3 are compressed. After class I asked Professor Rubin about songs being transmitted through the radio, and if they were wav or mp3 files and he told me mp3. This is good in terms of storage because now the customer can store a lot more songs on their memory device because there are less bytes.

Chapter 7 in the textbook spoke a lot about storage and different type of storage devices. It touched on the SD card, which is what I will use as the device that the music will be transferred on to. SD cards can hold up to 8 GB, which like an 8 GB ipod can hold about 2000 songs at a time which I think is more than enough space.

Monday, October 3, 2011

Week 4- Input/Output

This week was a short week in terms of lectures. Professor Rubin spent his one lecture talking about both input and output. Input and output devices are apart of our every day life and my device requires a big output device in order for it to be successful; the radio.

In order for my device to be able to function, it needs to be able to hear the song playing and that happens from the speakers, which is an output device. The SD card that I enter into the slot would be considered an input device because the car would be reading the data and instructions for the SD card. Also once the songs are transferred from the radio onto the SD card, the user would need to plug the SD card into a slot onto his/her computer which would be another example of an input device.

In terms of output devices, the songs going from the radio onto the SD card would be considered that because the card is taking the song from the radio and recording it onto the card. Clearly we can see that input and output devices are a part of everyday use even when tackling a difficult project like this.